The prevention of prostatitis

The prevention of prostatitis in men — the need of today, because 30 to 50% of boys suffer from this disease.

General prevention in this distinction:

  • primary, in order to prevent the occurrence of prostatitis;
  • side, designed for those who have found this disease, and who have a need not to allow the transition into a chronic stage.
the male part in an exercise on the floor

The primary prevention of prostatitis

Often, prostatitis cause the stagnation of the process arising from the prostate gland. It is not sufficiently well washed by the blood of himself and is so poorly supplied with oxygen. This leads to a deterioration of the functioning of the prostate. Therefore, the man, who has forced a large number of time to spend sitting, the greater the risk. For the prevention of prostatitis they have to perform physical exercises. They contribute to an influx of blood, which leads to an improvement of the muscle tone within, the normalization of the secretory activity.

The most simple exercise that you can do to prevention of prostatitis is to reduce the muscles of the anus. In order to better understand what muscles it is, it is necessary during urination able to delay the jet. This will cause tensions to a certain group of muscles. It is them, it is necessary to regularly bend, to increase the blood flow to the iron.

For a start, you can try to make a row of 10 contractions. It is only at first glance, it seems simple. That the muscles are not trained, it may be that discomfort. You need to take a ruler and do it in the day 5 times per 30 compressions, for example, during washing, on the way home, or at work. During the year stop cause of the discomfort, a approach of performing up to 100 cuts.

This is one of the exercises that you need to do prevention of prostatitis in men. Offered his doctor Kegel. In addition, there are many other exercises, favouring the influx of blood to that organ.

For example, for the prevention of prostatitis, you can do:

  • the jump;
  • squats;
  • large mahi feet;
  • "birch";
  • "the bike".

Exercise can be an adjunct to the market. And this should be done more often. The men who commit to walking, are less likely to suffer from prostatitis. Price "the distance", he must move to the prevention of prostatitis is to 4 km in the day.

To complete the exercise?


The primary prevention of prostatitis in men, and other procedures, for example, the showers to the perineal area. This procedure is perfectly improves the blood circulation in the gland. It takes place very simply. On the perineum directs the flow of the water in the shower and periodically the evolution of its temperature: 30secondes warm, almost hot water, 15 seconds — fresh, at room temperature. The procedure should not last more than 5 minutes. Of its make it better before going to bed.

The prostate massage

Very useful for the prevention of prostatitis in men massage on the perineum. To do her best lying. You need to find a small area between the anus and the scrotum (near the anus). Beneath the scrotum is a pelvic bone. On the area where it ends, and it takes effort, but not excessive. The massage should be done 4-5 minutes, it is better in the evening after the contrast shower before going to bed. These procedures allow a good inflow of blood to the prostate. And if you do them constantly, prostatitis can avoid them.

Constant sexual life

An important role for the health of men, and therefore for the prevention of prostatitis, has the sex. The frequency, as well as the nature of the sexual life can influence the state of the prostate directly. But in the extreme not to enter it's worth: the promiscuous sex will become a source of infection. A negative impact on the health of the prostate is reflected in the long and the voluntary abstinence from clamping, or the interruption of the act. Therefore, the ideal solution for the prevention of prostatitis in men is measured on the basis of sex, and with a regular partner.

Good nutrition

Reduces the likelihood of the disease of prostatitis and healthy eating. If you avoid too rich in calories and spicy foods, to diversify the diet, then the disease will no longer be "flaws", in order to penetrate into the body. In the menu of all the men must attend to vegetables, fruits, pumpkin seeds, seafood, garlic, nuts. The consumption of alcoholic beverages (beer in particular) must be minimized. It is not recommended that excessive coffee. In particular, it is necessary to avoid the cooling of the body. The men are not worth it to bathe in cold water or sit in the cold on the cover.

The secondary prevention of prostatitis

But if the disease still avoid have failed, after the recovery, you need to think about the secondary prevention of prostatitis. It includes the following activities:

  1. The taking of medication;
  2. Regular visits to the doctor-urologist, regardless, are present, the clinical symptoms of the disease or not;
  3. A regular inspection of the 1 time in 3 months (it is recommended in the first year after he was made to be a complete treatment). The next 3 years to attend a urologist should be 1 time every six months;
  4. After 40 years, the man must do an ULTRASOUND of the prostate.

The prevention of chronic prostatitis of any drug is affected by a doctor. Their reception need to make the regular. For the prevention of prostatitis are assigned to drugs that affect the metabolism of the prostate gland, and corrective urodynamics. When the etiology of inflammatory disease, are appointed by anti-inflammatory drugs, including the selective action is designed to improve the state is of the prostate. The receipt of antiviral drugs warns prostatitis-infectious nature. If the history of the disease of prostatitis bacterial the nature of a patient showing antimicrobial. For the prevention of prostatitis are appointed and dietary supplements. They stimulate the blood circulation to the prostate gland, preventing inflammation.

Special of the chain, it is necessary to distinguish the prostate massage. This is not the only method of treatment, but a method of prevention of prostatitis. By its essence, the massage is a mechanical effect, very similar to that of a palpation of the prostate at the time of diagnosis. During the time of massage is irritation of the nerve endings and dilation of the blood vessels. This leads to an improvement of the blood circulation of the authority, the more intense the influx of nutrients and oxygen. The end result will be the acceleration of the regeneration process. The massage course involves 8 to 10 sessions. They are organized by day. Generally, after 5 session there are positive results. New course spend approximately 3 weeks after the completion of the first. It is necessary to fix the result.

And another important point: prostatitis is one of the most insidious and common diseases in men, and the eldest, and the average age of the class. Therefore, prevention activities, prevention of the disease does not need to procrastinate. In particular, this applies to men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, prone to stress and hypothermia.